Here is the current list of items that are needed for the children’s school
Heavenly greetings to you all our beloved brothers and sisters in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We trust in the Lord Jesus Christ that you all and your families are doing well and enjoying the presence of Our Lord.
Our Thanks
We would love to extend our great thanks to all our brothers and sisters who have supported JESUS IS LORD MINISTRIES UGANDA prayerfully and financially to meet the needs of the children (orphans, street, needy and vulnerable children) who are under our child care program.
You all dearly fall under this scripture :
James 1: 27
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
Our Request
On 8th of September 2014, schools in Uganda will be officially opening and students will go for their third term or end of year term ,the children lack school tuition ( fees) and school supplies.
We therefore request that you prayerfully consider supporting these children with school fees and supplies since they can not stay in school without them since those without are being chased back to their homes hence missing a lot from school.
The List of School Needs Still Unmet
We have listed down each school item with the amount in USA dollars value the number of items needed, We request you to give to any of your choice according to any of the following items listed . Your monetary donations and support will go directly to purchase the school supplies for the children.
School tuition (fees) 450
26 Dozens of books 96 pages 40
36 Dozens of books 48 page 43.9
8 Dozens of mathematical sets 49.8
5 boxes of pens 31.2
10 boxes of pencils 49.8
TOTAL $664.70
Please any amount the Lord directs you to give is accepted. No matter how small it might be it will make a bigger difference in a child’s life.
We highly value your donations since the ministry entirely operates by your donations. We therefore appreciate your prayers and support that you have offered to make sure that the children’s needs are met and we wish we could meet you in person to show you how much we appreciate.

Please, you can make your monetary donations online on our secure donation website page below:
Click the button below to make the donation of your choice. Just type in the amount you’d like to donate.

May God bless you and all your family.
Yours in the Lord
Bro David Oteko
Director Jesus Is Lord Ministries
Jinja, Uganda
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