NAME: Fablano Musumba
GENDER: male
DATE OF BIRTH: July 5th, 2006
VILLAGE: Wairaka
DUTIES AT HOME: fetching water, looking after goats.
FAVOURITE ACTIVITIES: Swimming, dancing, singing in Sunday school.
Fablano is an orphan who lost his father due to Cholera and he stays with his mother and 5 other children, they are all sleeping in a single room which is all his mother is able to afford. The little money the mum gets from tilling in people’s gardens is not enough to provide for all these children and now they all lack basic needs and schooling. Fablano wants to be an engineer in the future but it is likely that his dream will be in vain if he does not get help.
Fablano would be so grateful if he gets the help that he wants and can continue with his education properly.